以福音为中心 – 关于城市福音联络网
In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, churches and networks all over the world have been reconsidering the way they normally function. Many have had to give up on plans that they had for the year. Gospel City Network (GCN), Malaysia, would attest to that as they had a lot of re-ordering to do when it came to their plans for 2020.
Paul Ling from Kuching, Malaysia, attended the Asia Intensive in Bangkok this March and he went out of the Intensive with much eagerness and passion to start his ministry in Kuching but God had different plans for his life and the pandemic has made him realize that. This is his story narrated in a recent interview with City to City Asia Pacific.
The extent of loss and hardship during this time is beyond measure. I don’t know what you are enduring right now, whether it is the loss of a loved one, the loss of a job, depression from isolation, a struggle to cope with an addiction…need I go on? Even those who have skated through this pandemic without major losses are possibly, even probably, struggling emotionally or motivationally.
In this interview, Rev. Wong explains why he thinks Chinese Christians should not discard many aspects of their culture. He also suggests ways in which some of these festivals can be redeemed and celebrated.
A new dawn has come to Malaysia. A year ago, for the first time in 61 years, the Malaysian people saw a change in the ruling government of their land. The public turned out in droves — kingmakers and powerbrokers in their own right — bringing to bear the force of the ballot box. Having…
Do you prefer the Marvel Universe or DC Universe? You may or may not care, but my children have strong opinions on this issue and can give articulate reasons for which universe they think is better. It gives me some comfort to know that they know both universes are pure fiction. However, although they are…
As we approach Christmas season, remembering Christ’s birth, let us also consider the implications of the narrative. To say that Jesus was Incarnate Deity, might seem logically problematic for two reasons. Firstly, to say that Christ is both God and man would seem logically contradictory. After all, God is infinite, able to accomplish all that…
When I planted a church and was confronted by other Christians who wondered “why we need another church in town,” what they were really challenging was the authority I had to invade their town with another church. “Who gave you the authority to plant this church?” they asked me. What they failed to realize is…
It is far too common to fall into the trap of thinking that we don’t need to plant new churches. Church planting is a lot of work, takes financial resources, and confronts our selfish, inward-looking, comforts of being part of an established church. However, there are 3 Reasons Planting Churches is of Infinite Value[1] (see…