Church Planting Intensive

Building Gospel-Centered Churches in the City

As the name suggests, this is an intense training specially designed to equip and prepare soon-to-be church planters. Many essential modules will be compressed into 2 full weeks of training conducted off-site where the participants are away from distractions and able to focus on the learning.


The group of cohorts will also have opportunity to interact with trainers and  observers, networking, sharing, praying, and supporting each other. These sessions are interactive and follow an intentional roadmap of working with the planters from within with gospel renewal and moving outward to theological, ecclesiology, and more practical issues of networking and funding.


GCN partners with City to City Asia Pacific in hosting upcoming Intensives. If you are interested to find out more, leave your name in the form below and we will follow up with you. There is a fee and a process involved with the application. Assessment will also be conducted to ensure that participants will benefit from the intensive training.