‘Gospel’ – What’s in a Word?
But how should the Gospel change how you respond to a difficult boss? What about a tricky marital conflict? What about depression? How about a church falling apart?
But how should the Gospel change how you respond to a difficult boss? What about a tricky marital conflict? What about depression? How about a church falling apart?
Whether it’s workout meetups or game nights, the primary conviction behind our outreach efforts is that the gospel is much more than good news that bring people into heaven.
The question then is: today, what can we do to make a difference for the sake of the gospel, to push back darkness and lostness in the world? Today, what can you do?
We should pray “earnestly to the Lord (Lk. 10:2)” for the lost souls, praying that the Holy Spirit would bring life in them.
Countless church planters owe so much to this man for the profound impact he made in their lives.
Why? He is causing us to have greater dependence on him. If there was a formula, discipleship would run the risk of depending on self rather than having the posture of absolute desperation of God to work.
The One who makes all things new will make 2022 a year of renewed hope and faith for those who trust in Him.
From everyone at Gospel City Network, we wish you a Merry Christmas! We pray that during this season you are able to spend time with friends and family, spend time resting and recharging, and most importantly, spend time reflecting on the birth of Christ.
The new normal relegated GCN’s events and training sessions to Zoom for another year during 2021. Though the events were remote, GCN is still able to serve those who serve the church.
But if we have understood the gospel, our family life will be radically different from the world around us. We will see the home as “frontline” ministry. We will see our family as the greatest opportunity for discipleship and evangelism that God has given us.