This Mini Course Will Help You:

  • Appreciate the Gospel and how it shows us God’s grace and holiness
  • Grasp the “Gospel,” an often overused and misunderstood word
  • Survey its biblical foundation and significance for a believer’s growth
  • Tap into its salvific and transformative power with its past, present, and future effect
  • Deal with issues at home, at work, and in our relationships by living in line with the Gospel

Course Format:

Take this course at your own pace. This online course includes:

  • Recorded Video Sessions
  • Downloadable Handouts and Transcripts
  • Reflection/Discussion Questions


Raj Sehgal
Raj was born and raised in the United States in a devout Hindu home. After coming to faith in Christ, He moved his family overseas in South Asia. Built and led a media ministry reaching over 2M people per year with the message of the Gospel. Raj was a church planter reaching urban professionals, artists, and entrepreneurs. He currently serves as a Church Planting Catalyst for an organisation empowering local indigenous leaders to multiply disciples & churches in closed countries in the 10/40 window.

Session 1: Biblical Foundations

We take a closer look at the word “Gospel” to understand its rich meaning as we survey how Peter, Paul, and the Lord Jesus used the word in the New Testament.

Session 1 Reflection Questions:

  1. Which facet of the Gospel strikes you the most and why?
  2. How will this insight play out in your daily life?

Session 2: Power of Salvation

See how we can tap into the salvific and transformative power of the Gospel with its past, present, and future effect if we lack hope and joy in our Christian walk.

Session 2 Reflection Questions:

  1. The trainer referred to Francis A. Schaeffer who asserts that “Salvation includes three tenses: past, present, and future. Romans 1—8 covers all three tenses of salvation. Chapters 1-4 deal with the past act of salvation for the Christian, which is justification. Romans 5:1 through 8:17 deals with salvation’s present aspect, which is sanctification. Then, in a brief but very striking way, 8:18-39 speaks of the future aspect of salvation, which is glorification.”

    Excerpt From The Finished Work of Christ: The Truth of Romans 1-8

    Francis A. Schaeffer

    Do you agree with this view?
    How does knowing this help in your understanding of the gospel?

  2. If you were to build your own Gospel Paradigm, what change(s) might you introduce to the diagram below?

Session 3: Gospel as A Paradigm

The Gospel is central to how we live and conduct ourselves. Issues at home, at work, and in our relationships will surface when we’re not living in line with the Gospel.

Session 3 Reflection Questions:

  1. What areas of your life might you have lost sight of the gospel?

  2. What areas of your life might you have not applied the gospel to?

Session 4: Gospel as A Third Way

Have we misunderstood the Gospel without realising it? This module discusses how unique the Gospel is and how it shows us God’s grace and holiness.

Session 4 Reflection Questions:

  1. Given the new insight, how might the gospel change the way you relate to the following relevant areas?
      • singlehood
      • marriage life
      • parenthood (or the lack of it)
      • caring for ageing parents
      • your primary ministry area

Session 5: The Five-Chapter Gospel

You may have heard of the Two and Four-Chapter Gospel. Find out what the Five-Chapter Gospel is with its implication for Christians as we live in the already-and-not-yet period.

Session 5 Reflection Questions:

  1. Do you concur that the gospel can be viewed as five chapters? Why or why not?

  2. If you assume the Five-Chapter Gospel, how might that take away the sacred secular divide or help you relate to your current ministry

      • at home
      • at work
      • at church


The gospel is neither religion nor irreligion, but something else entirely—a third way of relating to God through grace. Bestselling author and pastor Timothy Keller addresses several current discussion and conflicts about the nature of the gospel and shows how faithful preaching of the gospel leads to individual and corporate renewal.

There is a Gospel story with five chapters. It gives meaning and purpose to what we do here and now in the already-and-not-yet. Read about the different narratives that biblical scholars present and see the plan of God for you as recipient and agent of His grace each day. 

If you’re engaged in church planting or revitalisation, explore our training offerings to see how GCN can support your church. Contact us at to discuss further.

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