Reunion Dinner Redeemed
The Gospel gives us a new perspective of the Chinese culture and what every family reunion points to – the ultimate reunion with God – the true harmony of an everlasting family.
The Gospel gives us a new perspective of the Chinese culture and what every family reunion points to – the ultimate reunion with God – the true harmony of an everlasting family.
What are you anxious about? Do your worries surface any idols? Is there something you are turning to for fulfillment rather than Jesus?
In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, churches and networks all over the world have been reconsidering the way they normally function. Many have had to give up on plans that they had for the year. Gospel City Network (GCN), Malaysia, would attest to that as they had a lot of re-ordering to do when it came to their plans for 2020.
Paul Ling from Kuching, Malaysia, attended the Asia Intensive in Bangkok this March and he went out of the Intensive with much eagerness and passion to start his ministry in Kuching but God had different plans for his life and the pandemic has made him realize that. This is his story narrated in a recent interview with City to City Asia Pacific.
In this interview, Rev. Wong explains why he thinks Chinese Christians should not discard many aspects of their culture. He also suggests ways in which some of these festivals can be redeemed and celebrated.