Gospel City Network Report – Jan to June 2023
Gospel City Network wishes to thank you for your generosity and the support you have extended to enable the work from January to June 2022.
Gospel City Network wishes to thank you for your generosity and the support you have extended to enable the work from January to June 2022.
The first time I read the Parakaleo group assumptions and guidelines in 2019; I was attending a Basic conference in Taiwan. The first group guideline resonated with me. I had grown up as a pastor’s kid with spoken and unspoken rules.
But if we have understood the gospel, our family life will be radically different from the world around us. We will see the home as “frontline” ministry. We will see our family as the greatest opportunity for discipleship and evangelism that God has given us.
[Part 2] A conversation with three guests addressing the various questions about Biblical Counseling.
A conversation with three guests addressing the various questions about Biblical Counseling.
Kathmandu, the capital city of Nepal has been hit with the pandemic like the rest of the world. Watch this video to find out about City to City Nepal’s two-fold response to the pandemic.