About this Video Series

The Gentle and Lowly book gives a perspective of the Lord Jesus that we may not have given sufficient attention to. In this discussion, we hear three pastors share insights from reading the book and how these have impacted them personally and in their pastoring ministries.


”What comes to mind when we think of Jesus? What is He like?


In Matthew 11:29, Jesus called all who are weary and burdened to come to Him for rest. The discouraged and frustrated are called to take His yoke and learn from Him “for I am gentle and lowly in heart and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burdens is light.”


This book deconstructs our default assumptions about Christ and helps us see with fresh perspective His heart towards fallen sinners.

This conversation on Gentle and Lowly, the Heart of Christ for Sinners and Sufferers discusses:

  • The humanity of Christ and what he is like
  • Some misconceptions and challenges for seeing Jesus as the kind and gracious Lord
  • Glimpses of the beauty and glory of Christ as we explore bible passages that show His longing heart to restore sinners
  • How seeing Jesus in this light changes the way we relate to Him and to others
  • How this view has changed (and continues to impact) the caring ministry of three pastors in South East Asia.

Introduction to the Video Series

When a pastor orders 100 copies of the book for the leaders of the church it shows that this book has great impact on the pastor and the congregations.

EP1: Introducing the Pastors and Impact of the Book on Life and Ministry

EP2: The Challenge of Seeing Jesus as Gentle and Lowly

Listen as the pastors share common faulty yet unnecessary views that blocked a fresh perspective of Jesus as gentle and lowly.

EP3: The Impact of the Book on Ministry Challenges

From the book, Simon found a way to address the fear of giving ourselves wholly to God. Tze shares how we can care for those suffering and Rawee discussed how the book speaks to the the culture of his people.

EP4: Transformation and New Vision of the Church

How has the book transformed these pastors’ ministries? In theology, praxis, and vision. God’s kindness leads to repentance and His emotional engagement with sinners inspires transformation in the way ministry is carried out.

EP5: Favourite Chapter and Quote of the Book

Each chapter reflects a different facet beauty of Christ. What is your favourite chapter and favourite quote? And why?

EP6: New Perspectives in Knowing Christ

Hear each pastor share how Christ is real and personable and how He identifies with His people. “Christ’s love is as a vast, deep ocean and not a cosy jacuzzi.”

EP7: Reflections on the Discussion

Hear heart-warming highlights as the pastors preach to each other, encouraging and stirring each other to relook at the book and to re-experience the gentle and lowly Lord Jesus.

Meet the Pastors

Rawee Bunupuradah

Pastor, CTC Trainer

Originally from New York City, Rawee serves as a missionary in Bangkok in the areas of discipleship, training, coaching, leadership development, spiritual formation, and church planting.
Rawee loves seeing people shaped by the Gospel and walking with Christ, experiencing His power and presence.
Rawee’s doctoral research focused on pastoral care and spiritual transformation. I am married to Nui and have three sons.

Simon Murphy

Pastor, CTC Trainer

Simon and his wife Tarryn, together with their three children moved to Singapore from South Africa in 2008 to plant Redemption Hill Church, of which he is the Lead Pastor. Simon also leads Resound, a family of churches working to strengthen local churches across Asia Pacific. He serves as network leader for City to City Singapore, helping to plant gospel-centred churches and strengthen existing churches with gospel DNA. Simon loves seeing people enjoy God and walking into His plans for their lives.

Tan Huai Tze

Pastor, CTC Trainer

Tze is the Lead Pastor of One Covenant Church, a church he started in his living room together with his wife, Cindy and 2 young daughters.

Tze has an MDiv from the Presbyterian Theological College, Melbourne and a BEng from Imperial College, London.

He previously worked in IT Consulting and in the Singapore Civil Service.


This book draws us to Matthew 11, where Jesus describes himself as “gentle and lowly in heart,” longing for his people to find rest in him. The gospel flows from God’s deepest heart for his people, a heart of tender love for the sinful and suffering. These chapters take us into the depths of Christ’s very heart for sinners, diving deep into Bible passages that speak of who Christ is and encouraging readers with the affections of Christ for his people.

Do we have the wrong map for the Christian life? Life’s inconveniences, disappointments, and trials can leave us confused, cynical, and eventually bitter. But the apostle Paul traces out the path of dying and rising with Jesus—what Paul Miller calls the “J-Curve”—as the normal Christian life. The J-Curve maps the ups and downs of daily life onto the story of Jesus.

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