About this Video Series

Scriptures exhorts believers to bear each other’s burden and to care for one another. The Lord is pleased to “use ordinary people, through seemingly ordinary acts of love, to be the prime contributors to the maturing of his people.” See how you can be a part of the caring ministry with advice from Lois Kehlenbrink and Edward Welch.


Caring for one another has not been left to a few leaders in the church. The many “one anothering” passages in Scriptures point to the importance and beauty of the faith community supporting each other through practical care. See how Lois Kehlenbrink discusses caring for others by applying the beauty of Jesus and His work (the gospel) which heals and inspires changes.

The videos on Caring for One Another discusses:

  • Postures in seeking and extending help
  • Importance of taking time to understand external and internal influences acting on a person
  • How to draw out benefits from unavoidable sufferings in this broken world
  • Ways to help bring about a desire to live in appreciation of the Lord’s love
  • Facilitating the process of opening up again after being hurt

Introduction: Caring for One Another with Lois Kehlenbrink

Lois Kehlenbrink is a biblical counsellor, and Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. Lois received her M.S. in Family Counseling at Iona College and studied Biblical Counseling at Westminster Theological Seminary.

EP1: Humility in Seeking and Extending Help

A correct understanding of justification leads to a humility that has experienced forgiveness and acceptance from God. The humility of the consellor provides a safe space for caring conversations as love and acceptance is extended.

EP2: Overcoming the Reluctance to Reach Out

Reaching out to help is not natural as it is inconvenient and risky. The Lord was criticised and rejected when He pursued those in need to help. How then can we overcome the reluctance to care and love well?

EP3: The Influences Working on Us

Even in perfection environment, Adam and Eve doubted the goodness of God. How much more do we need the body of Christ speaking truth into our lives to counter the influences of this broken world.

EP4: Talking About Suffering

Suffering is unavoidable and is the context in which we can discover the love of God to a greater depth. In our suffering, we get a glimpse of Christ’s voluntary suffering as He redeems us for Himself.

EP5: Talking About Sins

Addressing sins is never easy. Learn from Paul as he addressed the issues of the churches in his epistles. A lesson on being inquisitive without being judgemental, in affirming love without condoning the acts of sin.

EP6: Bringing About Changes

Part of caring for others involves helping others move towards living in alignment with the Lord’s guidance and will. Listen to Lois as she shares how this can be done lovingly.

EP7: Learning to Trust Again

It is hard to open up again when one has been disappointed or hurt by a believer or a leader. Lois shares how we can lead others to learn to trust again.

Meet the Speaker

Lois Kehlenbrink

Speaker and Counsellor

Lois Kehlenbrink is a speaker, biblical counsellor, and Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. For nearly 25 years, she worked within Tim Keller’s ministry network at Redeemer Presbyterian Church, Redeemer Counseling Services, and Redeemer City to City. Today, she is with Paul Tripp Ministries equipping leaders around the world to start their own counselling programs

Lois received her M.S. in Family Counseling at Iona College and studied Biblical Counseling at Westminster Theological Seminary. She lives in New York City and has two adult daughters, Rebekka and Sylvia.


Imagine . . . an interconnected group of people who entrust themselves to each other. You can speak of your pain, and someone responds with compassion and prayer. You can speak of your joys, and someone rejoices with you. You can ask for help with sinful struggles, and someone prays with you.

The goal of this book is that these meaningful relationships will become a natural part of daily life in your church.

Many Christians, often without even realizing it, struggle with a type of Christian perfectionism. How can Christians wholeheartedly pursue God without an undercurrent of guilt, fear, or anxiety? How can imperfect people experience God’s peace while seeking to obey his perfect standards?

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