Gospel City Network: A Six-Month Recap
January to June 2023
We’ve passed the six-month mark this year! Here’s a snapshot of our activities:

We are grateful for the opportunities to partner with churches, leaders, and other organisations.
Below is a highlight report of our activities in the past six months. In it, you can find various activities carried out in three categories:
Church Planting and Revitalisation
Networking and Collaboration
Content and Publication
This report also highlights the updates from all the church plants we are supporting, and you can learn how to pray for each of them.
Additionally, we would like to share our fundraising update for this year. We are committed to serving those who serve the church. Would you consider partnering with us and supporting us financially?

We praise God for sustaining us through all of this, and we are thankful to each of you for supporting us by engaging, giving resources, praying, and providing financial support!
As we continue our work, we walk in faith and hope as we see His gospel proclaimed throughout Malaysia and beyond.