Getting Your Heart Right (Day 1) and Finding Joy in Your Heart (Day 2)

by Michael Reeves 


8 PM – 10 PM

Michael Reeves

Michael Reeves oversees the work of Union, and teaches in the areas of systematic and historical theology and also on preaching and spiritual formation. He is a local church minister, Director of the European Theologians Network, and speaks and teaches regularly worldwide. He is also the author of numerous books, including Preaching: A God-Centred Vision, Right with God, Authentic Ministry, Evangelical Pharisees, Gospel People, Delighting in the Trinity, and many more.

Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life.

Proverbs 4:23

The heart directs our lives, which is why it matters so much. 


At this conference, we’ll explore the heart’s vital role–how it shapes our ministry, influences our daily lives, and how we can nurture and shape the hearts of others.

The day conference includes keynote talks by Michael Reeves and Andrew Katay, panels featuring local pastors and seminary deans, as well as four breakout tracks that address the intricacies of the heart.


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