Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life.
Proverbs 4:23
The heart directs our lives, which is why it matters so much.
At this conference, we’ll explore the heart’s vital role–how it shapes our ministry, influences our daily lives, and how we can nurture and shape the hearts of others.
Early Bird (by 28 June): RM 50 | Regular: RM 100
Keynote 1–Why The Heart Matters by Michael Reeves (Day 1)
Keynote 2–How The Heart Works by Andrew Katay (Day 1)
Keynote 3–Shaping the Hearts of Your Church by Michael Reeves (Day 2)
Keynote 4–Reaching the Hearts of the Lost by Andrew Katay (Day 2)

Michael Reeves
Michael Reeves oversees the work of Union, and teaches in the areas of systematic and historical theology and also on preaching and spiritual formation. He is a local church minister, Director of the European Theologians Network, and speaks and teaches regularly worldwide. He is also the author of numerous books, including Preaching: A God-Centred Vision, Right with God, Authentic Ministry, Evangelical Pharisees, Gospel People, Delighting in the Trinity, and many more.

Andrew Katay
Andrew Katay serves as City to City Australia’s Executive for Content and Ministry (ECM) and Director of Coaching and Training, a role that allows him to work across denominational boundaries to foster a Gospel movement in cities across Australia. He is also the Senior Minister of Christ Church Inner West, a position he has held for over a decade. With extensive experience in university ministry, Andrew has served as Chaplain to Sydney University. He holds a doctoral degree, having written his dissertation Preaching to the Heart: Investigating Theory and Practice, and has taught preaching and the biblical theology of the heart in Africa, Asia, and Australia.
Authentic Ministry by Michael Reeves is included with the Day Conference registration as a complimentary book.

Choose your preferred breakout track. It will take place in two parts across both days.
Click name or picture for speaker bios
How to Preach to the Heart

Andrew Katay
Leadership and the Heart

Yee Siew Meng
Kids Ministry That Shapes Hearts

Tim Nicholls
Parakaleo: The Gospel For Your Own Heart (For Women Only)

Parakaleo Malaysia
Click date to expand
9:15 AM – Registration
9:45 AM – Worship
10:10 AM – Keynote: Why the Heart Matters by Michael Reeves
11:00 AM – Keynote: How the Heart Works by Andrew Katay
11:45 AM – Break
12:05 PM – Panel: Preaching to the Heart
12:50 PM – Lunch
1:50 PM – Breakout
3:05 PM – End
7:30 PM – Doors Open
8:00 PM – Worship
8:20 PM – Q&A
8:40 PM – Sermon: Getting Your Heart Right by Michael Reeves
10:00 PM – End
9:45 AM – Worship
10:10 AM – Keynote: Shaping the Hearts of Your Church by Michael Reeves
11:00 AM – Keynote: Reaching the Hearts of the Lost by Andrew Katay
11:45 AM – Break
12:05 PM – Panel: Theological Education that Shapes Hearts
12:50 PM – Lunch
1:50 PM – Breakout
3:05 PM – End
7:30 PM – Doors Open
8:00 PM – Worship
8:20 PM – Q&A
8:40 PM – Sermon: Finding Joy in Your Heart by Michael Reeves
10:00 PM – End
Getting Your Heart Right (Day 1) and Finding Joy in Your Heart (Day 2)
by Michael Reeves
From 8 PM – 10 PM