APRIL 22 | 8:00 PM to 9:30 PM UTC+8 (Malaysia Time)

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Join Jordan Kauflin and leaders from across Asia Pacific for a conversation on Gospel-Shaped Worship. Jordan will answer key questions on corporate gatherings, planning the order of service, song selections, and more. You’ll also have the opportunity to submit your own questions.


Jordan Kauflin is an experienced songwriter and serves as a worship pastor at Christ Covenant Church. This webinar is designed for pastors, ministry leaders, church planters, and worship leaders who desire to lead their congregation worship in Christ-centred worship. Don’t miss this free webinar!

Jordan Kauflin

Songwriter & Worship Pastor at Christ Covenant Church

Jordan Kauflin serves as worship pastor at Christ Covenant Church in Atlanta, GA. He is a songwriter whose hymns include “I Will Wait for You (Psalm 130)”, “Christ our Hope in Life and Death” and “All I Have Is Christ.” He primarily writes with the team of songwriters at Getty Music. He is actively involved in the Getty Sing conference each year and enjoys training worship leaders and helping churches develop Christ centered Sunday services. He is married to Tali, and they have five kids.

Get to Know Jordan Kauflin

Check out these playlist: